"Technology and Art are intertwined strands of the creative DNA. Thus, we shall find the true essence of creation - that which exists both in pigment and in pixels. Now"

Raleigh, NC

United States

Welcome to my digital domain. I am an avid programmer (C++ and Python), an artist, and a technophile, passionately exploring the infinite dimensions of technology. The fascination of the unbounded potential of machine learning and deep learning has inspired me into creating, implementing, and optimizing machine learning algorithms. Beyond my professional skills and accomplishments, I am a hard worker who believes in continuous learning and improvement. In the world of technology, there is always something new and exciting on the horizon, and I am always eager to meet it head-on.


Dec 8, 2022 :rocket: [Achievement] AWS icon (Amazon Web Services) Certified Cloud Practitioner and ML Speciality
Dec 1, 2022 :mortar_board: [Update] Graduated from Florida Tech
Oct 15, 2022 :rocket: [Achievement] Tensorflow icon TensorFlow Certified Developer (Deep Learning)